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Healing the Astral Body

The astral body is considered the energetic counterpart of the physical body and is associated with emotions, desires and higher consciousness. Pranic Healing techniques are applied to address imbalances or disturbances in the astral body to promote emotional well-being and spiritual growth. Just as with the physical body, the astral body can accumulate stagnant or negative energy that may manifest as emotional disturbances or blockages. Pranic Healing techniques such as energetic sweeping and cleansing can help remove these energetic impurities and restore balance to the astral body.

The chakras or energy centres are believed to be interconnected with the astral body and play a significant role in emotional and spiritual health. The focus is on balancing and energizing the chakras to harmonize the flow of energy within the astral body and promote emotional stability and clarity. The Healing energy is transmitted to specific areas of the astral body that may be experiencing imbalances or disturbances. By channelling fresh, vital energy to these areas, Pranic Healing aims to facilitate emotional healing, release past traumas and promote spiritual growth. By cleansing, strengthening and protecting the aura, overall well-being and resilience is promoted on the astral level. Pranic Healing can help to release negative emotions, traumas or thought patterns that may be affecting the astral body. By addressing underlying emotional issues energetically, Pranic Healing supports emotional healing and promotes a greater sense of inner peace and harmony.

Pranic Healing incorporates meditation and visualization practices to connect with higher states of consciousness and facilitate spiritual growth. These practices can help in developing greater awareness of the astral body and its energetic dynamics, leading to deeper self-understanding and spiritual evolution.

Overall, Pranic Healing of the astral body aims to promote emotional well-being, release energetic blockages and support spiritual growth and evolution.

Pranic Healing, crystal Healing & Tarot cards are tools and practices, used for healing and spiritual growth. They come from different traditions and have different approaches. Complementary healing helps to nurture mind, body and spirit for holistic wellness.

At Ruah, we do not intend to replace orthodox medicine, but rather complement it. If symptoms persist or ailment is severe, please consult a medical doctor immediately. We do not make medical diagnosis. We do not prescribe medications or medical treatments. We do not interfere with prescribed medications or medical treatments.


Scf-45, Sun Enclave, Ropar

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